
Palma Sintética Aprobada Por El Código de Producto de Florida

¿Sabías que Florida tiene uno de los códigos de construcción más estrictos en el mindo? El Código de Aprobación de Producto de Florida

Nashville Zoo

Florida Product Approved Thatch Roofing

Did you know Florida has one of the strictest building codes in the world? The Florida Product Approval was created to help reduce


3 Reasons Highly-Successful Businesses choose Endureed

Sitting in the office of Rick Schwartz, President of the Nashville Zoo, one begins to understand his passion for his work. Hundreds of


How to Win a Grandpa of the Year Award: VIVA Palm

At his home nestled in the beautiful mountains near Marinilla, Colombia, the owner of a large resort brought the familiar look of the


Lions, Leopards, and Cheetahs…Oh My!

As you caravan through grazing giraffes, splashing hippos and quaint African huts, you engage in the safari experience of a lifetime. However, you


How Our Family’s Dream Vacation Home Turned Into A Nightmare

Our nightmare started in April 2017 at our vacation house in Guatemala. A fire started at our neighbor's home and quickly passed to


Magagascar Giant Palms On Verge Of Extinction

People too regularly think that natural palm thatch is environmentally friendly, just because it's compostable. The truth is, by the time it's sprayed


Benefits Of Green Building Strategies

When designers integrate green building strategies into their projects, they maximize environmental performance. Plus, they maximize economic performance. Plenty of other benefits also


Choosing Regions Series Thatch Shingles For Commercial Buildings

Designers of commercial buildings are choosing Endureed Regions Series synthetic thatch to appeal to the growing pool of eco-conscious consumers. The beauty and


Luxury Tropical Resort Finds Innovative Solution To Rats, Bats, And Snakes

Think about your worst nightmare as a resort owner. Fire, hurricane, bug and rodent infestation, or maybe worse, negative customer reviews. One high-end

Carriage House Roofing - Endureed Synthetic Thatch

How Long Does A Natural Thatched Roof Last On A Home?

You will hear people say that a thatch roof made of natural water reed will last four or five decades. That sounds impressive,


As Hurricane Florence Threatens Category 5 Status, What Kind Of Damage Is Expected?

Hurricane Florence may reach a Category 5 status tonight an into Thursday before weakening. Earlier today, Florence dipped to a Category 3 hurricane