
LEED Certification – Levels And Credit Categories

[caption id="attachment_7142" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Somerset-1024x355[/caption] Achieving LEED certification really can increase per-room-revenue for hotels and resorts. We discussed the research that indicated the


Choosing Regions Series Thatch Shingles For Commercial Buildings

Designers of commercial buildings are choosing Endureed Regions Series synthetic thatch to appeal to the growing pool of eco-conscious consumers. The beauty and


Luxury Tropical Resort Finds Innovative Solution To Rats, Bats, And Snakes

Think about your worst nightmare as a resort owner. Fire, hurricane, bug and rodent infestation, or maybe worse, negative customer reviews. One high-end

Carriage House Roofing - Endureed Synthetic Thatch

How Long Does A Natural Thatched Roof Last On A Home?

You will hear people say that a thatch roof made of natural water reed will last four or five decades. That sounds impressive,


As Hurricane Florence Threatens Category 5 Status, What Kind Of Damage Is Expected?

Hurricane Florence may reach a Category 5 status tonight an into Thursday before weakening. Earlier today, Florence dipped to a Category 3 hurricane


Protect From Wind Uplift: Durable Thatch With Patented, Stainless Steel Crimp Binding

We've discussed wind uplift in previous blog posts. Wind uplift happens when high winds come into contact with a building and pit pressure


Prevent Hail Damage To Roofs With Durable Synthetic Thatch

What’s the Best Roof to Prevent Hail Damage? Synthetic thatch is a durable roofing material that is an exceptional alternative to asphalt shingles,


Extreme Wind Resistant Thatch Roofing

Are you looking for thatch roofing that could pass even the strict requirements found in the Florida Building Code? As we discussed before,


Roofing Flaws Exposed By Hurricane-Force Winds

High winds from hurricanes regularly expose roofing flaws like insufficient bracing or shingles installed without wind zone concern. Actually, hard data indicates that


3 Thatch Roofing LIES!

We get it! You often try to incorporate thatch roofing in your design concepts, bids, or in your personal DIY projects. You’re either


Roof Replacement Post-Hurricane: Requirements In ‘High Velocity Hurricane Zones’

Hurricane Lane's destruction in Hawaii has many searching for roof replacements suitable for High Velocity Hurricane Zones. As background, we'd like to explain


Hurricane Damage? How To Build Stronger Roofs In Tropical Areas

The Secretary of Homeland Security visited Hawaii on Thursday, a week after Hurricane Lane began pounding Hawaii island. More than 3,900 FEMA workers