Extreme Wind Resistant Thatch Roofing
hurricane-resistant thatchAre you looking for thatch roofing that could pass even the strict requirements found in the Florida Building Code? As we discussed before, Florida Building Code requires buildings to have products rated for winds up to 111 mph. Additionally, in homes in High Velocity Hurricane Zones like Miami-Dade, the requirement is even more strict: products rated for winds up to 130 mph are the minimum the state accepts.
Endureed Thatch: Extreme Wind Resistant Thatch Roofing
Endureed shingles are wind-rated for winds up to to 174 mph. We’re talking extreme wind resistance. Our synthetic thatch roofs have survived Category 5 hurricanes. This durability in the face of extreme wind is part of why our thatch became the first synthetic thatch product to gain Florida Product Approval. In the face of hurricanes, our products regularly show no damage. Meanwhile, asphalt shingled roofs and even tiled roofs suffered extensive damage.
Learn Why Extreme Wind Resistance Matters
Click on a topic below to learn more about re-roofing in High Velocity Hurricane Zones or in any region susceptible to aggressive winds.
Learn more about Zone 4 Wind Speed Areas
Learn why tropical green builders prefer Endureed
Learn why Endureed is the most preferred synthetic thatch in the world
Learn how building codes are determined for roofs
Learn how business owners can deduct the cost of a roof for 2018 upgrades
Reminder: When you see a windstorm classification rating on roofing products, it’s talking about wind uplift pressures in pounds per square foot (psf). Here’s a link to a really handy website that lets you search by address or latitude and longitude.
Endureed Synthetic Thatch
Click a product icon below to learn more about our the specific hurricane-force wind resistant roofing materials we provide: