
Synthetic Thatch Roofing Questions

Thinking about using synthetic thatch roofing materials for your next project? We understand dealing with thatch roofing can be overwhelming, which is why


3 Reasons Highly-Successful Businesses choose Endureed

Sitting in the office of Rick Schwartz, President of the Nashville Zoo, one begins to understand his passion for his work. Hundreds of


How to Win a Grandpa of the Year Award: VIVA Palm

At his home nestled in the beautiful mountains near Marinilla, Colombia, the owner of a large resort brought the familiar look of the


Artificial Thatch With A 20-Year Warranty

We've sold artificial thatch for almost two decades. Endureed artificial thatch is a strong, beautiful product which makes it easy to offer our 20-year


Regions Series Materials Help Conserve Natural Resources, Fight Climate Change

We've discussed why Endureed's Regions series products are the greener choice when compared to natural thatch in multiple previous blog posts. We haven't mentioned


How Do We Know We Can Offer A 20-Year Warranty On Synthetic Thatch?

We offer a 20-year warranty on our synthetic thatch products. Sometimes people ask us how we can be so sure of our products.