
Regions Series Materials Help Conserve Natural Resources, Fight Climate Change

We've discussed why Endureed's Regions series products are the greener choice when compared to natural thatch in multiple previous blog posts. We haven't mentioned


Regions Series Synthetic Thatch & Chemical Resistance

Regions series synthetic thatch shingles feature extreme chemical resistance. You know that this can't be said for all plastics. The specific formula for


Two Ways To Recycle Endureed’s Regions Series Synthetic Thatch Shingles

Endureed's Region Series products are 100 percent recyclable. That's part of our commitment to ecology and sustainability. Realistically, our synthetic thatch shingles sit


Fire Tests: Endureed Vs. Competitors

Fire safety matters to us, so our team put our Viva and Regions synthetic thatch products to the test. Our products were tested