Endureed’s Synthetic Thatch Roofs Eliminate The Hassle Of Pests
Natural ThatchPests are one of the biggest concerns for business owners who consider natural thatch. Pest avoidance is one of the biggest reasons our clients choose our synthetic thatch roofs over natural thatch. At Endureed, we really do appreciate natural thatch, but it comes with a lot of maintenance that our customers find unacceptable for their buildings. Pests love thatch. If it’s done properly, it’s warm and dry. It’s the perfect place for a nest. Natural thatch experts report that thatch pests include animals, birds and insects.
“If you are suffering with a pest problem, from birds pulling out straws to mice in the attic, please don’t feel that you are alone,” the Thatch Advice Centre in the United Kingdom advised thatched natural roof owners. They report that people complain about birds, squirrels, rats, mice, spiders, book lice, mites, cockroaches and flies invading their thatched roofs.
Thatching service businesses report online that pine martins and wasps are even among their clients’ biggest pest issues. The only way to deal with the issue of natural thatch roofs becoming infested with these birds, mammals and insects is to have regular maintenance done for pest control.
If you want the unique look of thatch, you don’t have to accept pests as part of the deal. Let’s be honest; pests can not only cause hassles for business owners, they can result in customer dissatisfaction, code violations, and health issues. We wanted to find a maintenance-free substitute for natural thatch, and we did. Endureed’s synthetic thatch looks and feels like natural thatch, minus the pests, and by the time you add in pest control and other maintenance, natural thatch ends up being a more expensive than our roofs, often within just five years.
Plus, Endureed’s synthetic thatch roofs come with a 20-year warranty against rot, decay, UV degradation and color-fade.
We’d be happy to show you how Endureed can provide you with the perfect synthetic thatch roofing for your business.
Call us at 877-784-2824 or get in touch with us online to learn more. You can also view the technical specs on each of our roofing products by creating a free Endureed user account now.