
Synthetic Thatch Fireproof Roofing

fire proof roof

One of the biggest factors to consider when using natural thatch is the risk of fire. Thatched roofs are more vulnerable to fire than any other roofing material. About 90% of thatch fires are caused by chimneys and modern appliances. If a thatch roof catches on fire, it spreads quickly as dry reeds and grass are extremely flammable. They are difficult to extinguish and can cost thousands of dollars in damage. Thatch roofs are also maintenance-intensive and require a lot of time and money.

But what if you could capture the beauty of natural thatch without putting your roof at risk? Endureed synthetic thatch fireproof roofing is made from fire-resistant materials and will protect your roof from fires.


Endureed fireproof roofing products do not require any flame retardants or maintenance. Natural thatch roofs require a chemical flame retardant application every two years which comes with increased out-of-pocket costs. For example, if you were to thatch a 700 square meter project, you would spend about $25,000 on materials over 20 years. This doesn’t include costs associated with pesticide control, repairs, and upkeep.

Even with proper flame retardant use, natural thatch still exposes you to the risk of fire with added costs and maintenance. Endureed synthetic thatch fireproof roofing provides a safe alternative to natural thatch so you don’t have to worry about the risk of fire. Endureed products come with a 20-year warranty so you can enjoy your roof for decades. All without compromising the beauty and authenticity of natural thatch.


With Endureed synthetic thatch fireproof roofing, you don’t have to compromise your design vision. Get creative and explore the possibilities without worrying about the risk of fire. Made from fire-resistant materials, Endureed offers a durable and safe thatch roofing solution.

Are you ready to get a thatched roof you are proud of? Contact a thatch expert today at (866) 891-1509 or fill out our Quick Quote form below to get started!


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