
Buy Thatching For DIY Tiki Huts And Tiki Bars

Are you planning a DIY tiki hut or a tiki bar? Looking for a thatch product to top it off? Well, Endureed is


The Difference Between A Natural Thatch And Synthetic Thatch Gazebo For Your Resort

If you're trying to decide between synthetic thatch and natural thatch for the cabanas or gazebos at your resort, we can help. To


You Can Totally Avoid This Re-Thatching Mess

If you choose a natural thatch roof, eventually, you're going to have a re-thatching mess on your hands. Unless you are an experienced


Synthetic Thatch Roofing: A Replacement for Catslide Roofing

Every once in a while, you'll hear a roofing term that makes you wonder. For example, when talking about roofs, what is a


Let’s Talk Wind Uplift Pressure Ratings

Did you realize that when people talk about wind ratings for roofs, they are not actually talking about wind speeds? Actually, the standards


Yes! You Can Buy Endureed Synthetic Thatch Directly From Us

If you need our high-quality, synthetic thatch roofing products, you don't have to find a separate vendor. We sell directly to customers all


Check Out Our Technical Specifications For Our Endureed Regions Products

We think you'll be surprised by how easy it is to install our synthetic thatch roofing products. Want to see how it all


How Do We Know We Can Offer A 20-Year Warranty On Synthetic Thatch?

We offer a 20-year warranty on our synthetic thatch products. Sometimes people ask us how we can be so sure of our products.


Simply the Best Thatch Roofing Product in the World

Endureed's synthetic thatch roofing products are the best products of their kind on the market. We've recreated the enduring beauty of natural thatched


Here’s To The Palm Leaf, The Inspiration Behind Our Dominica Shingles!

Humankind has a long history with the palm leaf. Palms were revered across cultures for all of history, because of their versatility. Palm

Capetown-gallery-02-African Yellow Thatching Grass

Choose A Durable Replica Of African Yellow Thatching Grass

Choose A Durable Replica of African Yellow Thatching Grass Roofing is an essential part of any building, whether it's residential, commercial, or industrial.

Omaha Zoo

Fire Resistant Thatch: The Perfect Roof For Your Outdoor Kitchen

If you love entertaining outdoors and want an outdoor kitchen, consider our synthetic thatch to roof the main area. Imagine an outdoor kitchen